【Jojo Part 6】Reviewing all JOJO from part 1! What is the relationship between Jojo Part 6: Stone Ocean and each part?

Hi everyone! It's Mafuyu from Goods Republic!
I know this is sudden, but when you hear the title of JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure),what will come up in your mind?
Battle? Stand? Justice or eveil? This manga is very famous as one of the super popular manga from Jump comics. So many people must know this title!
Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Oh! I can't forget to tell you...... Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) Part 6 will finally start airing from January 2022!
Since it is Part 6, do I have to know JOJO from previous parts? Can I still enjoy Part 6 without knowing previous parts? Which part should I check beforehand? We can answer for these questions in this article!

【Jojo Part 6】
Reviewing all JOJO from part 1!
What is the relationship between Jojo Part 6: Stone Ocean and each part?

Must know! - What is Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)?

Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) is written and illustrated by a manga artist, Araki Hirohiko-Sensei and is extraordinary abilities x battle manga! The series started since 1986 and the part 8 has just completed. The author of this long manga series has just started working on part 9 for serialization!
Here are some frequently asked questions about Jojo. Are all parts are connected? Do I have to read all parts? I have heard this kind of questions often.
To begin from the conclusion, from Part 1 to 6, since the main characters are all blood-related, the stories are slightly connected each other.
However, part 7 and 8 do not have direct relationships, but there is an indirect, fateful relationship. (if you know it, you will find it more interesting!)
Anyways, let me explain outlines of part 1-5 as simply as possible! Because Part 1-5 have some relationships with Part 6 which will start airing in 2022!

Part 1
Phantom Blood

The beginning of everything about JOJO!!
Battle between Jonathan Joestar and Dio Brando over hounted “Stone Mask.”!

The main character: Jonathan Joestar
“Horror x adventure” story is described in volume 1 to 5. Anime adaptation with part 2 was in 2012.
The story takes place in England in1988. Heated battle between A boy from a noble family, Jonathan Joestar, and his step brother, Dio Brando. The title, JOJO, is from the first syllable of main character's first and last name, Jonathan Joestar. JoJo is his nickname and also other stories main character’s nickname as well. The lines in the series are very famous and fans quote them frequently on the Internet still now.

Part 2
Battle Tendency

New crisis of human extinction!
Fight against powerful humanoids called “Pillar Men”!

The main character: Joseph Joestar
“Battle x adventure” story is described in volume 6 to 12. Anime adaptation with Part 1 was in 2012.
The story takes place in the U.S. in 1983. It describes the battle between Jonathan's grandson, Joseph, and powerful humanoids, awakened from ancient times that can be a threat to humans, called “Pillar men.” Part 1 and 2 featured battles with special breathing technique, Ripple that creates enormous power.

Part 3
Stardust Crusaders

The nemesis of Part 1, DIO returned!
Jojo's special feature, Stand, appears in this part for the first time!

The main character: Kujo Jotaro
“Action x adventure” story is described in volume 12 to 28. Anime adaptation in 2014.
The story takes place in 1988. Dio Brando who became a vampire in exchange for depriving Johnathan Joestar's life in Part 1: Phantom Blood is coming back! Joseph Joestar's grandson, Kujo Jotaro is going to Egypt where Dio is hiding in order to end his family's past and fate!
“Stand” as the super power in the Jojo world will be back from Part 3. This series is the pioneer for an extraordinary ability battle manga and affected various manga later years

Part 4
Diamond Is Unbreakable

Unusual JOJO!
Story of bizarre daily life that bizarre incidents happening in a bizarre town!

The main character: Higashikata Josuke
“Suspense x horror” story is described in volume 29 to 47. Anime adaptation was in 2016.
The story is set in place in Japan in 1999. The life of the bastard child of Joseph Joestar who is the main character in Part 2, Higashikata Josuke and bizarre incidents happening in the town Josuke lives were described in this part. Unlike other Jojo series that mainly describe battles, you can enjoy comedy scenes in this part.
It is not important, but Kishibe Rohan appeared in Part 4 is very popular and spinoff manga about him was serialized. This part is not a usual JOJO style battle manga, but it is very popular as a mystery manga.

Part 5
Golden Wind

Save the rotten city that was controlled by gangs!
The story is about the battles of Giorno who inherited the golden spirit and his people!

The main character: Giorno Giovanna
“Battle x adventure” story is described in volume 47 to 63. Anime adaptation in 2018.
The story took place in Italy in 2001. When Dio revived in Part 3, he left a child. Giorno Giovanna who is a son of Dio takes over the gang family that are controlling the city. Dio and his fellows try to save the city!

Okay, Which parts should I read before I watch Jojo Part 6: Stone Ocean?

The answer is...... At least, you should read Jojo Part 3: Stardust Crusaders.
The reason why you should read Jojo Part 3 is because the extraordinary ability, Stand, that appeared in Jojo Part 3 is described in Part 6 again. Also, the main character of Part 6, Kujo Jolyne, is the daughter of Kujou Joutarou who is the main character of Part 3......!!

Outline of Jojo Part 6: Stone Ocean

The story takes place in 2011.
The daughter of Kujou Joutarou, Kujo Jolyne, was imprisoned due to a false accusation. One day, Jolyne received a bizarre thing sent by her father who disappeared due to her parents’ divorce.
There is something wrong with this prison.
Jolyne realized her special ability, Stand. She decided to escape from the prison where a conspiracy seemed to be growing!
Jojo Part 6: Stone Ocean concludes the story that has been developed in Parts 1 through 5 very nicely. It has a great ending! So, if you want to try JOJO this time, or look forward to watching Part 6, we strongly suggest to watch Part 1-5 to prepare for Part 6!
That's all for today! I'll see you in the next article!!
Have a good day!
Jojo Part 6: Stone Ocean

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