Sale Fate/Grand Order Items

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  • Baldwin
    Hello is it possible to sell (if there are any) items on Ibuki Douji from the Fate/Grand Order series please ?

  • Hirao
    Thank you for your request.

    Do you have any specific items that you want?
    If you do, please let us know that picture or product name.

    We have only this product on Ibuki Douji from the Fate/Grand Order now.

    We will find and list that if it is possible.

    Please feel free to ask any questions and requests if you have.


  • Baldwin
    In fact I don't know if apart from this badge there are other objects that's why I asked you because I thought that you might be aware of the existence of other objects on this character

  • Hirao
    Thank you for your reply.

    I have researched and found that there are several other goods related to her, but none of our suppliers seem to carry them yet.
    I hope you will visit Goods Republic from time to time and search for Ibuki Douji, as they will be listed from time to time as our suppliers begin to carry them.

    We are very sorry for your inconvenience.
    Feel free to ask any questions and requests if you have.


  • Baldwin
    Ok no worries I will do this search often to see when there will be new items for sale anyway thank you for taking the time to answer me

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